+2348131216376; +2348036254547; +2348069372514

Vision And Mission Statements


To impact people through the instrumentality of the Word of God and empowerment through social works for transformations of lives and destinies.


  • To bring humans to the saving knowledge of God through Christ for destiny discovery and fulfillment
  • To deal with the scandal of biblical illiteracy in contemporary young Christians
  • To equip Christian workers for effective kingdom services
  • To educate illiterate adults to be able to read and write so as to live meaningfully
  • To meet the various needs of people irrespective of their socio-religious orientations
  • To organize public lectures from time to time on issues that are of concern to people in their specific socio-cultural environments
  • To liaise with philanthropists and local/global humanitarian organizations in order to access palliatives or funds for poverty alleviation and empowerment programmes


  • To regularly meet and organize meetings and programmes that will teach and nurture participants in the doctrines and tenets of the Bible
  • To organize faith and sociological-based conferences and seminars in schools, churches, secular institutions, and other places where the organization deems fit or where platforms for such as provided.
  • To run an interdenominational Bible Institute for Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses in Christian service
  • To publish Christian literatures, academic papers, tracts, magazines, periodicals for enlightenment of the general public and advancement of the Kingdom of God.
  • To regular empower members of the community regardless of their tribes, religion and social status to live meaningfully. This will include payment of school fees to beneficiaries, skill acquisition, creation of jobs, distribution of palliatives, and sponsorships.